The Fall of the Ancient Maya: Solving the Mystery of the Maya Collapse
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Número de artículo | 4763922696 |
Pays | FR,ES,IT,CH,BE |
Terminal correspondant | Android, iPhone, iPad, PC |
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Classic Maya collapse Wikipedia ~ In archaeology the classic Maya collapse is the decline of Classic Maya civilization and the abandonment of Maya cities in the southern Maya lowlands of Mesoamerica between the 8th and 9th centuries at the end of the Classic Maya Period
Ancient Maya The Rise and Fall of a ~ In Ancient Maya Arthur Demarest an authority on the Olmec and Maya civilisations applies an holistic theoreticallyintegrated perspective to this study of archaeology paleoecology and epigraphy as well as to his evaluations of fellow scholars
Classic Maya The Mystery of the Great Collapse – StMU ~ Arthur Demarest Ancient Maya The Rise and Fall of a Rainforest Civilization New York Cambridge University Press 2005 240 ↵ Salem Press Encyclopedia January 2016 “Maya Civilization” by Philip E Lampe
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Maya – Wikipedia ~ Die Maya sind ein indigenes Volk bzw eine Gruppe indigener Völker in Mittelamerika die insbesondere aufgrund der von ihnen im präkolumbischen Mesoamerika gegründeten Reiche und ihrer hoch entwickelten Kultur bekannt sind
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